I was about 14 years old when I thought about being a photographer for the first time. And since the beginning was surfing what I wanted. I tried to figure out how to start, but I had no means to do that and it ended up as a forgotten idea.

Life took me to advertising and design. I spent years working in a number of projects and despite the fact that I liked what I have been done, photography started to come back in my imagination. My father had an old professional camera, a Canon 40D, and later on he gave me that, my turning point.

First, I started shooting landscapes (Rio is full of them, so I guessed it was an easy way). Then I discovered documentary photography and from that, I felt in love with Black&White photos.

But in 2017, I decided to go surfing again, like in my oldies as a teenager. It all came again, the passion for both, the sport and the art. And here I am, getting wet early in the morning looking for something new and in many ways for something old.